You’ve heard about Passivhaus and the superb comfort, excellent air quality, super-low energy costs and tiny CO2 emissions all sound great. You’ve decided Passivhaus is what you want for your dream home, so when should you get a Passivhaus expert on board? (more…)
Tag: Passivhaus
In this blog post I take a quick look at the physics behind summer overheating problems and unpack claims that high levels of insulation make the problem worse or more likely.
In the previous post I looked at the main factors other than internal air temperature that affect how thermally comfortable we feel in a room. Internal surface temperature played a big role, both because of its influence on radiant heat loss and because of the ability of cold surfaces to cause fast-moving air through down draughts.
I live in a 70’s house that has had double glazing installed but little else in the way of thermal improvements since then. Imagine the following situation. Yesterday was a mild winter’s day, temperatures around 10°C, and I was comfortably warm working at home. Today the weather’s changed, it’s been cold all night and now it’s hovering around zero and cloudy outside. Wearing the same clothes, and with the thermostat set at the same temperature, I feel chilly. After spending the morning cradling numerous cups of tea and still not warming up I finally turn the thermostat up a degree. Why, if the air temperature inside my house is the same on both days, do I feel colder today?